Annual General Meeting 2012

Saturday 28th April 2012, 11.45am at the Community Centre

The Annual General Meeting of the Forum is coming up soon on Saturday 28th April 2012, 11.45am at the Community Centre.  We are delighted to report that there are enough members of the committee willing and able to continue to ensure the future of the Forum for the year ahead, but there are a couple of vacancies. Our meeting will follow the AGM of the Community Centre Management Committee (after a short break for refreshments). There will also be a raffle to support the Forum's meagre finances.

The Forum committee meets every two months.  In between times, committee members may be actively involved carrying forward projects according to their own interests and available time, or they may simply make themselves available for moral support and advice as it is needed.

If you, or someone you know who is able and willing to stand as a committee member, you can download a nomination form here.  If you are thinking about becoming a committee member and would like to have an informal chat about what is involved, just send us an e-mail (using the contact link above), or you can always telephone Jonathan or Rosemary on 762410.

The agenda for the meeting is available here and the draft minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting can be downloaded here.

Updated by Rosemary on April 9th, 2012  •