Recycling at Hackett Place
A further concern raised at the Open Meeting in October was the recycling facility at Hackett Place. We had a meeting with representatives of the council Waste Management Team and Hills Ltd, who manage the site.
The Waste Management officer readily admitted that the underlying problem is that the facility is too small but, since it is on private land and enclosed, there is little prospect of extending it.
The representative from Hills Ltd confirmed that his operatives collect from the site on a daily basis, cans one day, cardboard the other. He observed that they find the site most untidy on Mondays. He asked us to advise residents to do as much recycling as possible midweek.
At times when the facility is full (as it may well be, with Christmas coming) it is worth knowing that there is an alternative local recycling facility at Semington Turnpike.
In the long term, the council is looking at the possibilities for including cans and cardboard in its roadside collection scheme.