May 2010 newsletter

Public Inquiry Result

The result of the Public Inquiry about the land adjacent to Hackett Place has been published.  As expected, the Inspector found in favour of the appellant, Marston Inns, so the condition that the site should be used for medical purposes is now lifted.

Since Marston Inns already have planning permission to build a pub, they can now go ahead.

This result is a disappointment to those residents who wanted to see a medical centre on Paxcroft Mead, but there may be a chance to secure a site as part of future development in years to come.

Trowbridge Town Gathering

We attended the Town Gathering at the Civic Centre on Tuesday 27th April and were surprised and delighted to be called up to accept a Civic Certificate on behalf of the Forum for service to the community.

Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 25th May 2010, 7.30pm at the Community Centre

The Annual General Meeting of the Forum is coming up soon.  We are delighted to report that there are enough members of the committee willing and able to continue to ensure the future of the Forum for the year ahead, but we are always looking for new recruits.

The Forum committee meets at the community centre every two months. In between times, committee members may be actively involved carrying forward projects according to their own interests and available time, or they may simply make themselves available for moral support and advice as it is needed.

Nomination forms can be downloaded from the website on the AGM page.  If you would like to have an informal chat about what is involved, just send us an e-mail, or you can always telephone Jonathan or Rosemary on 762410.

After the usual AGM business, there will be an Open Forum for members to raise their concerns and offer suggestions for future projects.  Everything we have been working on over the last six months has stemmed from the Open Forum at the Opening Meeting last October. This is your chance to tell us what to do next.

We are sending a copy of the poster advertising the AGM to each member.  If every member passed on two copies of the poster to one other neighbour, it would double our circulation, with the potential of doubling it again if that neighbour were to pass on their second copy.  You can also click here to download the poster from the website.

Please make the effort to attend the meeting if you possibly can.

Rosemary Hawkes
Forum Secretary

Posted by Rosemary on May 8, 2010  •